Wednesday 28 October 2009

1. “To what extent are we already experiencing a man -machine symbiosis that has turned us into cyborgs [or posthuman bodies]?” Christiane Paul (Digital Art, p 166)

- very little
- as it is still not safe enough, people are not dear to install such thing in the body..
- but actually, most of them are used in medical aspect..
- for example, glasses, prosthetics....
those of them can substitute people's drawbacks, give people back their basic ability.

2. What are some pros and cons of becoming a cyborg?

- substitute people's drawbacks
- more convenient, as people's abilities can be changed according to what they want
- make people more confident

- if the component is damaged, it needs another operation to repair or restore... may be it is very painful...
- it may be harmful to people's health
- in the future, the technologised bodies may be out of control because of hackers
- it actually damages the law of nature... it is not "real"

3. What do you think of Stelarc’s work?

- Stelare's work is very surprising me!!
- it is because it shows the power of technology and I never image such thing can be real as I believe that it is just what thing happens in the Cartoon.
- actually, I'm really afraid that.... if the component is broken or out of control, the man who is entriely tied becomes very dangerous!!!

also, it is disgust..
as the moive shows some internal organs, and the sharp of his work is so disgust..


  1. I share the same feeling with you towards Stelarc's work. Although it shows the power of technology as you said, it is quite disgust.

  2. yes, the power of technology is really great nowadays. And we depend much on it too. Before, we think that technology is only a tool , but it now can be also used as an art. It is really amazing. I am looking forward to his art work now.

  3. yes medical aspect is very important for human, and i guess it will be one big incident for human in the future, but it is not mature now
