Wednesday 11 November 2009

Digital games - But are they art?

a) How does Adams define art? Do you agree with his definition?

Art divided into a number of types:
1.literary arts :the presence of narrative
eg Film, writing
2.Fine arts: eg.sculpture, painting
3.decorative arts: wallpaper, industrial design

-Art should have content ( should be expressive)
-Art can make us feel something
-Art can lasts
-Art has a form of communciation
-Not formalaic
-Should be original / exception - appropriation (taking other art + representing in a new way to create create new meanings)
-Narrative elements
-Aesthetic value
-Aesthetically interesting

b) According to Adams, what is needed for videogames to be considered as art?

- aesthetic merit eg.rhythm
- the structure of basic elements
- force the player to see thing in a new way
- must experiment with the medium (must take artistic risks & break new ground)
-must be the subject of genuine criticism ( be studied and analyzed as work of art and aspects of culture)

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