Friday 27 November 2009

Just playing? - the Ethics (essay)

Not Just Playing!!

Game always regards as a bad thing as it always related to violence and sex. In addition, it is essay for us to addicted to it. Thus,many parents ban their childrens to play video games.This essay is aim to correct people’s mistaken believe toward game and point out the advantages of playing game.

Video game has its own value that benefits us. According to Susan, game draw the core academic disciplines of reading, math, and social studies. (1) (David M, Susan.P.66) take Restaurant City as a examples that it includes some math and business skills for the player to think deeply about. In the game,the players need to place their tables cleverly. It is because the way of which they place their tables directly affect their “restaurant’s profits”. They need to use the knowledge of math to think out the efficient way for their “staff” to move and the fewer places for staff to move, the more efficient is and the profits can be more! Also, the business skills are also seen in this game. The players need to make good use of their “staff” as the number of staff is limited. It is better for them to turn their staff in different dutries between janitor, waiter and chef according to the condition of restaurant. No wonder why Lee say that this (Restaurant City) wasn't a game; it was a business (2)(Lee,05.2009) .The game actually is a way to train a good manager and encourage players to think more deeply.

In addition, video game enhance people’s creativity. For example, "iCarly encourages creativity with its great characters and storylines," said David Oxford, Activision Publishing.(3) (Nov 14, 2009). Restaurant City provides over 800 items and let their players’ restaurants being visited and rated to encourage players to create their characteristic restaurant and avatars.

Apart from creativity, games encourage initiative.(1) (Susan.P.66)Since games also include some competitions amoug players. Thus, players need to have initiative to fight what they want if they would like to win in the game. They can’t be in a passive way. Therefore, game encourages people to fight for what they want and have initiative.

Finally, game maintain friendship. A lot of online game and social game allow players to interact with their friends (5) ( Gelles, May 26, 2009). The Awards system in Restaurant City encourage people to give gift to friends, help Friend in need, visit friends as well as appreciate others. Such game can enhance the social skill of players and it is what people need in the real life too.

To sum up, game has a lot of advantages and not just for fun! It gives us a chance to experience or practise something that we don’t have in the real world.Some skills we learn from the game also can be adopted in the real life such as social skill. Game actually is not only related to violence and sex. It depends on the choice of player choose as well as what and how much players can learn from it.

1. "Media Violence". David M, Susan Musser and Book Editors.Greenhaven Press.
2. "Facebook 'brain drain'? It depends". Joanne Lee, Editor 2009-05-09 (accessed 15Nov2009)
3. Activision Publishing, Inc.; Activision Publishing Releases Nickelodeon's iCarly for Wii and Nintendo DS/ Nintendo DSiAnonymous. Leisure & Travel Week. Atlanta: Nov 14, 2009. pg. 19 (accessed 13Nov2009)
4. “Levelling up is the name of the game”. Joanne Lee, Editor (accessed 15Nov2009)
5. “Facebook finds treasure in games”. David Gelles. Financial Times. pg. 18 (accessed 25Nov2009)

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